Value Proposition

Below you’ll find an overview of your current value proposition, seen from the eyes of the customer. Also, you will find an Expert Review of your proposition based on 6 different specifications. These product specifications are a direct results of your VP-decisions. Also, you’ll find your current product-market fit.

Customer Segments

Below you’ll find information about your customer segment. The higher your research score, the more you’ll uncover about the customer segment.



Team Strategies


1- company name: “GlassEase” tagline: See the world, Speak the world: Your Travel Companion 2-Product Description: Glassease is a groundbreaking wearable device that combines gene technology with cutting-edge augmented reality (AR) to revolutionize the way travelers experience the world. These smart glasses serve as a versatile travel companion, seamlessly bridging language and cultural gaps, and enhancing travelers’ interactions with the places they visit. Features- •Real-time visual translation •Audio translation •Offline mode + online mode •personalisation •sleek and lightweight design •kinetic motion battery relaod Benefits for traveler- •seamless communication •enhanced cultural understanding •increased independence •confidence 3-Customer Profile:Traveler, Business wo/man, Sportsmen, Students (Erasmus…), Backpack travellers, Lifestyle, actors, translators, Touristic guide, adventurer, institutions, foreign rescue workers during earthquakes in particular, militaries, medics, policemen, teachers (integration classes) All seasons’ travellers, 12-99 years No limit of countries and boundaries All social classes – Cheap products Adding already existing features and technologies, AI, developing upgrades to the system, cost reduction by selling a great amount of products 4- both approach for research : classic and lean.

Our company is AMAzE, the tagline is”Simplify. Elevate. AMAzE Your Day!” Our product idea is a sports bag that is geared towards daily use, both in and out of fitness oriented settings. There is opportunity for us to change the focus when customer research reveals more information. Our initial focus was to dump resources into research and to create bare minimum product to test the waters. Since we put resources into developing some sort of product, we also put resources into developing our potential profit channels We assumed that the customer cares about simply things that address day-to-day concerns. She is an athletic, busy, and averse to loss. She is practical and risk averse. Otherwise, little is known about her. When choosing elements to research, we decided to focus on things that address her known needs. We decided to invest most of our credits into research in order to gain more knowledge and information in the future rounds.

Please submit the answers of the assignment here…

COMPANY NAME Xcellerant MARKETING TAGLINE Elevating Wellness with Wearable Excellence ASSUMPTIONS Jane, the adventurer type, is a person focused on always trying new experiences. She likes to travel and to be always on the move. She may benefit from a 24/7 health monitoring device in order to keep track of her vital signs. STRATEGY Sell a gene analysis service to the consumers, needed for setting up the tracking device. The analysis will be followed by the sale of the product (tracking bracelet) and an optional subscription to a cloud encrypted service for storing the health data. Work with advertisement of the product, showcasing a premium experience for adventurous people. Combo experience: Gene Analysis + Tracking Bracelet + Subscription –> fixed cost PRODUCT IDEA Xcellerant Health Monitor: A comprehensive health monitoring bracelet utilizing gene technology to track vital signs and predict potential health issues. It provides early warnings and lifestyle recommendations through an app to maintain optimal health and prevent future health challenges.

PulseLink is Wearable customizable bracelets and rings, that connect with your social media profile, and allow to share with other wearers you meet on your way The slogan is “PulseLink: Sync. Pulse. Connect!” and are created by premium sustainable materials, that fits every style. The PulseLink is connected to an App and platform, that allows for a personalized experience and unlimited user community networking opportunities, through the platform subscription. The simplicity of PulseLink, allows for personalized networking opportunities, by connecting with like-minded individuals, based on their customized PulseLink and preferences. The customer profile of PulseLink are career-oriented individuals looking for exclusive networking opportunities. The customers are trend focused and understand their needs and preferences, when it comes to their network. Status, community and personalization helps bring the customers of PulseLink to connect based on their biological data measured through the platform. The research strategy used in order to create the customer segments of PulseLink, was chosen in order to reach our targeted customers and the markets they operate in. Who, what, where and why was used in order to analyze the market and what methodology was needed to reach them. Therefore, was lifestyle studies, lead users, competitive advantage and focus groups the most important, to gain a deeper understanding of the customer and how to reach them.


Key Resources, Activities & Partners

Throughout the game, you’ll have the chance to increase your expertise on your key resources, activities and partners. The better your performance, the more likely you’ll be to achieve finance in the last round.

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Customer Relationships & Channels

Below you’ll find an overview of your sales funnel and capital injections – a direct results of your investments in marketing & sales.

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Overall Ranking

Below, you’ll find some extra awards that are handed out throughout the game and your overall EntrePulse.




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