Value Proposition

Below you’ll find an overview of your current value proposition, seen from the eyes of the customer. Also, you will find an Expert Review of your proposition based on 6 different specifications. These product specifications are a direct results of your VP-decisions. Also, you’ll find your current product-market fit.

Customer Segments

Below you’ll find information about your customer segment. The higher your research score, the more you’ll uncover about the customer segment.



Team Strategies


Product Idea for “Glassease” – Wearable Glasses for Travellers: Product Name: GlassEase Tagline: See the world, Speak the world: Your travel companion Company Mission: At GlassEase, our mission is to enable individuals to explore the world confidently and authentically. We firmly believe that travel should be an enriching experience where language and cultural differences must never hinder connecting with others and discovering new places. Our commitment is to leverage the latest advancements in gene technology and augmented reality to create innovative wearable devices that facilitate people in comprehending and savouring the world around them. Company Values: •Empowerment: We empower travellers to explore the world on their terms. We equip them with tools for effective communication and cultural immersion. •Innovation: We are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of technology, creating revolutionary wearables that redefine the travel experience. •Cultural Respect: We hold the diversity of cultures in high regard. Our products bridge cultural gaps and promote cross-cultural understanding. •Accessibility: We aim to make our technology accessible to as many travellers as possible, eliminating language and cultural barriers to travel enjoyment. •Continuous Improvement: We are committed to enhancing our products continually, guided by user feedback and evolving technology trends. Company Vision: Our vision for GlassEase is to become the global leader in wearable technology for travellers. We aspire to be the preferred choice for travellers, empowering them to become confident and culturally aware explorers. We envision a world where travel is a seamless, enriching, and profoundly immersive experience for all, as we break down language barriers and provide cultural insights. What target groups (customer segments) are you aiming for and why? Ez-win targets with its revolutionary glasses a group from an age of 6 to 99. From small children, workers to retired persons. The target group consists of various profiles all around the world that may have different jobs, social classes, social status, and interests in many topics but show common interest in history and are keen to learn about new cultures. The target is curious, travels a lot and is therefore adventurous in a certain way, they appreciate walking through unknown cities, bumping into locals to have long conversations and exchange about their cultures, sharing stories and feelings is part of their personality traits, taking part to local activities with locals and foreigners, in short, they are opened and human centred! Because of our will to provide a convenient and affordable product, there will be no boundaries linked to social class. We are convinced that our product is of public utility and wish to sell it at a reasonably low price so that most people can have access to it. We can identify several groups of targets sorted according to themes and their environment. Travelers, Globetrotters and Touristic guide: They travel the world and remote areas for pure pleasure. This target is thirsty for more or less risky adventures and is willing to interact with the locals as much as possible. They sometimes sleep in tents in the wilderness or close to the inhabitants, they are nomadic types. The glasses would be more than a useful tool for them! Education purposes: Teachers, children, and students. Regardless of their age, these smart glasses would be useful and would allow anyone wishing to learn, teach or simply communicate in a foreign language in a simple and fun way. These glasses full of technologies represent a powerful companion aided by artificial intelligence. It will interact thanks to innovative tools and the exchange with the user will be fluid and enriching. Institutions and Business trips: Here we target people regularly on the move for their work. Whether it is people working for global organizations, companies, or non-governmental associations. The target is broad. These people would be interested in this product since it will remove the language barrier and it would be easier to exchange at meetings regardless of the language spoken. The people on mission: This target includes all people travelling to foreign countries because of their atypical jobs. During their missions, they frequently communicate with people in need, who are in a dangerous or precarious position and do not speak their native language of the rescuer or even English. This includes particularly foreign rescue workers (during natural disasters and fires for example), militaries, medics, policemen, … What value do you want to bring to them? The value that GlassEase aims to deliver to travelers is diverse and includes: •Enhanced Travel Experiences: We strive to boost travellers’ confidence and sense of empowerment when exploring new destinations. Our goal is to eliminate language barriers and offer cultural insights, facilitating seamless connections with locals and enabling travellers to fully immerse themselves in the cultures they encounter. •Cultural Understanding: GlassEase is committed to fostering cultural respect and understanding. We provide valuable insights into local customs, traditions, and etiquette, encouraging travellers to engage respectfully with different cultures and learn from their experiences. •Convenience and Ease: Our product simplifies travel by offering real-time translations and instant access to valuable information. This convenience saves time and reduces the stress often associated with language barriers and cultural misunderstandings. •Personalization: Travelers have the flexibility to tailor their GlassEase experience to match their preferences and the specific destinations they visit. This personalization ensures that the product adapts to each individual’s unique needs and interests. •Safety and Security: The safety and security of travellers are our top priorities. GlassEase offers reliable, high-quality products with features like SOS alerts, providing peace of mind by ensuring that help is readily available in case of emergencies. •Community and Connection: GlassEase seeks to build a global community of travellers who can connect, share travel tips, and form friendships that transcend borders. We believe that nurturing these connections adds depth and richness to the overall travel experience. What are important future milestones for your company? Future milestones for GlassEase, the wearable technology company for travellers, may include: -Product Expansion: Introduce new versions and models of wearable devices to cater to a broader range of travellers and address specific travel needs. -Global Market Expansion: Extend the company’s reach into new international markets, ensuring accessibility and relevance to travellers worldwide. -Enhanced Language Support: Continuously improve and expand the number of supported languages to accommodate a diverse range of travellers. -Strategic Partnerships: Establish collaborations with travel agencies, airlines, and hospitality providers to seamlessly integrate GlassEase products and services into the travel ecosystem. -Research and Innovation: Invest in ongoing research and development to maintain a leading position in wearable technology, incorporating cutting-edge features and capabilities. -User-Centric Improvements: Continually enhance products based on valuable user feedback, ensuring they remain relevant and valuable to travellers. -Sustainable Practices: Implement eco-friendly approaches in product design, manufacturing, and packaging to promote sustainability in travel technology. -Revenue Diversification: Explore additional income streams, such as premium subscription models, while upholding core product accessibility. What are your core team values and why are these important for your company? For a team within GlassEase, core values are fundamental in creating a cohesive and effective working environment. Here are some potential core values for a team within GlassEase: -Collaboration: Working together as a team. Teamwork helps the company make partnerships, listen to user feedback, and achieve its goals together. -Diversity and Inclusion: Welcoming people from different backgrounds and making sure everyone feels included. This value ensures that GlassEase’s products and services respect different cultures and appeal to people from around the world. -Sustainability: Taking care of the environment in everything we do, from making products to packaging. Sustainability matches with responsible travel practices and being kind to our planet. -Quality and Reliability: Making sure our products are really good and dependable. Good products make travellers trust us and like our brand. -Transparency: Being honest and open when we talk to each other and with our customers and partners. Honesty makes people trust us more. -Community Building: Actively helping to create a worldwide group of travellers. This value matches our goal of bringing people together and making them understand different cultures. -Customer-Centricity: Putting travellers and their happiness first in everything we do. This value makes sure all our products and services are made with travellers in mind, so they have the best experiences and keep coming back.

Our company stands for simplicity and security in daily life. We strive to deliver this to our customers in the form of cutting-edge bag technology. Our goal with the integration of old and new is simply to make life easier for those who buy our products. We are primarily aiming to capture a price sensitive audience, one that is focused on value in the their goods, and one that is averse to loss. Our primary audience values simplicity and ease of use, so therefore our products will reflect this, and bring this value to their daily lives. Our company strives to better connect with our target audience, so that we can further tailor our offerings to their wants and needs. Our core team values are empathy and safety. Everyone has a unique and important and role at AMAzE. Our CEO maintains an open-door policy for anyone to bring up concerns. Our company is caring and listening. Our values are core to our identity as an organization, and we believe that our values allow us to better serve our customers and community.

Our company’s name is Soluwear with the slogan ‘Rejuvenate your Soul’. Our product is a smartwatch that acts as a personal assistant while keeping track of the customer’s health. The assumption is that our persona is a health-conscious entrepreneur with a hectic schedule. He loves to be updated on trends and would like to work on the go. We are taking a mix of the classic approach and the lean start approach but the focus is more on the classic approach. We are looking to start with customer interviews, rapid prototyping, customer reviews, focus groups, and usability testing. Soluwear stands for efficiency, simplicity, time management, sustainability and well-being. We are looking to provide time optimization solutions as well as social connectivity and health management to customers with reliable accuracy. The target groups are individuals leading busy lives who care about their overall health and well-being and also actively pursuing social connections, as well as looking for up-to-date bite-sized information about location-based contemporary trends and current events. Our company is aware of the importance that time is of the essence, especially in a competitive world therefore our team is seeking to help these individuals manage their time effectively. We intend to do this by creating smartwatches that monitor the customers’ health while on the go. The watch will have voice-enabled control as well as automatic connectivity to emergency services during emergencies (like low heart rate). The watch will also act as a mini personal assistant enabling the customer to make and receive calls, record voice notes, receive texts and emails as well as sync with agendas and calendars. It will also have news flash alerts and a subscription for a community of users. We also aim to implement location-based connectivity that alerts a user when they cross paths with other users. The next milestones include creating a prototype and testing its useability and appeal with a focus group. Our core team values are accuracy, care, and connectivity. At the early stage of our venture, our team and reputation is our main resource. We aim to be accurate in our product research and development work in order to produce a reliable and usable product. We care about our customers enough to develop innovative solutions to their problems – even the ones they didn’t know they had. We know that our customers trust us with their data, hence we deeply care about protecting our customers’ data. Above all, we care about each other as a team in and outside the work environment.

WHAT DOES THE COMPANY STAND FOR Xcellerant stands for reaching an excellence health tracking experience, while maintaining a premium feel and modern design. TARGET GROUP Adventurous people who want a premium feel when buying products, aged between 28 to 65. VALUE PROPOSITION Personalized health tracking experience. Increase the wellness of the customers. FUTURE MILESTONES Collaborate with more research centers for the initial gene analysis. Increase market saturation of the product to reach 100% market fit. CORE TEAM VALUES Attention to the client’s wellbeing. Integrity. Reliability. Accuracy.

PulseLink helps you connect with like-minded individuals, based on your social and biological background. PulseLink was created with the vision to build better and easier connections, after the Covid pandemic closure. We saw a gap in the market, which PulseLink could fill by creating valuable connections, that can build user’s own personalized community, with the help of the PulseLink platform. The customer segments that PulseLink are targeting, is career-oriented individuals looking for exclusive networking opportunities worldwide. The customers are trends spotters and lead users of the newest technology. They are focused and understand their personal needs and preferences, when it comes to their network. The primary demographic focus group are professionals with high attention to their needs and their surroundings, that have reached a point in their lives where networking needs to be more valuable through exclusive experiences. The geographical patterns are spread across the globe, with high segmentations in large technological cities. PulseLink are aiming for networker individuals that want to make a difference, while connecting with like-minded individuals along the way, through a premium experience bringing unforgettable value. The value PulseLink brings to the user’s, are an immersive experience based around the PulseLink platform. The platform brings unique networking opportunities, tailored for the individual user’s needs, based on what brings value to them and simplify their life. PulseLink also emphasizes on an environmentally friendly networking solution, based on real-time user feedback. The future milestones for PulseLink highlights the importance of bringing value for our customers, by building fun and engaging communities. The long-term goals are to become a global networking solution, build upon utilizing interconnected wearables, in order to bring greater innovative social interactions as we know it. PulseLink aims to become the premier solutions for personalized community building. PulseLink are built on a multicultural environment, bringing differences together under the shared goal of creating global personalized communities. We strive as a team to be a welcoming inclusive company, build on high moral and a good work environment. The core team brings a highly skilled background from engineering to business management, with more than 10 languages used to communicate and personalize the experiences of our users. The core team values reflect our goals to create unforgettable communities to the users, through user feedback, data interpretation and analyzing new trends in the market, in order to simplify and save our user’s time when creating valuable connections through PulseLink. Finally, PulseLink understands the importance of GDPR and data protections, as a core value in our company, we aim to protect and hold our customer’s data at the highest standard, when building connections through the platform.


Key Resources, Activities & Partners

Throughout the game, you’ll have the chance to increase your expertise on your key resources, activities and partners. The better your performance, the more likely you’ll be to achieve finance in the last round.

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Customer Relationships & Channels

Below you’ll find an overview of your sales funnel and capital injections – a direct results of your investments in marketing & sales.

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Overall Ranking

Below, you’ll find some extra awards that are handed out throughout the game and your overall EntrePulse.




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