Value Proposition

Below you’ll find an overview of your current value proposition, seen from the eyes of the customer. Also, you will find an Expert Review of your proposition based on 6 different specifications. These product specifications are a direct results of your VP-decisions. Also, you’ll find your current product-market fit.

Customer Segments

Below you’ll find information about your customer segment. The higher your research score, the more you’ll uncover about the customer segment.


Extra hint: invest 9 points on “Try Before You Buy” + 1 other value

Extra hint: invest 9 points on “Experience Automation” + 1 other value

Extra hint: invest 9 points on “Superiority” + 1 other value

Extra hint: invest 9 points on “Try Before You Buy” + 1 other value

Extra hint: invest 9 points on “User Communities” + 1 other value


Team Strategies


1- GlassEase is a revolutionary travel companion, offering a one-of-a-kind value proposition. By seamlessly blending gene technology and augmented reality, it provides travelers with real-time language translation and cultural insights. This unique combination empowers individuals to confidently explore the world, transcending language and cultural barriers. GlassEase caters to a wide range of travelers, whether they’re solo adventurers or families, enriching interactions with local communities and creating immersive, authentic travel experiences. Its exceptional features set it apart within the travel technology landscape. 2-How will you change your strategy this round? Explain how and why you divided your budget over the different building blocks of the canvas. Following the analysis of the graphs concerning the Prdocut-Market-Fit and the Expert Review, we decided to reconfirm ourselves on the needs and expectations of our persona in order to better know him and thus better penetrate the market. We want to keep an affordable price because we aim for the product to be used by as many people as possible. However, we will invest more credits in the design of the product by making it more efficient at the same time and greatly improve the features and ease of use for potential customers may feel uncomfortable and timid towards technology. In the desire to achieve a better result regarding the Product-Market-Fit, and perhaps even target the 70%, our startup will allocate more points in the segment of the value proposition especially in the fields: To obtain a better understanding of our customers persona’s we reprioritized the fields concerning the customer segment by investing in fewer criteria and by finding the fields that would allow us to catch up and know the behaviour of our persona and be in tune with it. Our persona needs to heartened, our team will have will have a pedagogical approach and accompany him in these steps with the product so that he won’t be destabilized, we must give him time to try the product, the features must be customizable and when’ so that he feels real benefits of owning our product. Immersive experience, in build tracking to understand his behaviour, Usability testing, direct observation and customer reviews, lifestyle studies, scenario creation, reviews + lead users. Profits: We remain convinced of a strategy to reduce costs while offering an accessible, personalized and easy-to-use product, in this perspective, we will reduce the field of cost leadership in order to allocate these points in characteristics that allow to better know our potential customers. Personalised and non intrusive adds, complete user experience and features tailored to the customers activity and preferences. The customer will have many occasions to try the products before the purchase and the well instructed and sensitive sellers won’t apply pressure on the customer. (Coaching, Collegiality, Empathy, employee involvement, training & education, For the new segment being revealed this round about the Partners our intentions are to focus on alliances, open innovation, co-creation, supply chain integration, incubators and accelerators, universities?, visionary thinking and openness. The allocation of credits is determined by the significance of each business segment: * Value Proposition (30 credits): Focusing on GlassEase’s innovative features. * Resources (20 credits): Acknowledging the necessity of technology and resources. * Activities (20 credits): Recognizing the importance of execution. * Profits (20 credits): Giving priority to profitability without overshadowing other areas. * Customer Segment (40 credits): Placing strong emphasis on understanding and serving customers, in line with your mission. Partners (20 credits) 3- GlassEase’s focus remains on travelers, but we’ve expanded our perspective. Beyond tourists, our product serves frequent travelers, business travelers, and those craving authentic cross-cultural experiences. Our unique blend of gene technology and augmented reality distinguishes us from competitors, offering language translation, cultural insights, and personalized travel. Continuous improvement, driven by user feedback, keeps us aligned with evolving customer needs. This adaptability and holistic approach set us apart, enriching and memorable travel experiences for a diverse range of users. 4-GlassEase’s revenue model can be based on both its value proposition and customer segments: Value Proposition-Based Model: Offering different pricing tiers based on value, such as free basic access and premium subscriptions with advanced features. Customer Segment-Based Model: Tailoring pricing and features for tourists, frequent travelers, and business travelers. By combining these approaches, GlassEase can effectively monetize its offerings while meeting the diverse needs of its customer segments, ensuring a sustainable revenue stream. 5- We believe our college project team is ready for growth. To enhance our effectiveness, we’re focusing on developing key skills: Communication: Improving collaboration, clear idea presentation, and team alignment. Project Management: Enhancing organization, deadline adherence, and project execution. Market Research: Proficiency in gathering insights for informed decisions. Creativity: Encouraging innovative solutions and ideas. Presentation: Improving conveying project findings effectively.

AMAze is a new innovative bag that allows women to feel safe, the bag has GPS integrated that in case of harassment or an urgency, will forward the location and distress signal to our crisis center and notifies the authorities. Furthermore, the GPS functionality can be used to locate the bag in the case of loss. The SOS functionality is visually indistinguishable from a normal backpack. As AMAzE, we are oriented towards value for our customer and simplicity. We do not design features that are unwanted, unnecessary, and add to the cost of our product. This focus is what separates us from our competition. At AMAzE we are dedicated toward developing our team. We are focusing on bring our core values to every position at as company. With that that, we seek to empower ALL of our employees to better perform in their roles. Through our valuable research, we were able to uncover aspects of our target customer that were previously unknown to us. This allowed us to better tailor our product to fit our target market. We continued moving forward with what was working previous and tweaking some options to better fit our target audience. Unlike our competitors, we have a thorough understanding of our customer, there is nothing less to discover. Here at AMAzE, we seek to make revenue through direct sales of simple, safe, and efficient products, which aligns with our mission, vision, and customer values. Our mission is stated in our tagline: SIMPLIFY. ELEVATE. AMAzE Your Day! We seek to deliver that promise to our customers. AMAzE is ready to grow, we are investing partnerships and facilities to scale up our operations. We are also investing in developing our team to be able to further our further our goals and compete our stated mission. Our team is working on technical knowledge and skills via workshops, coaching, and trainings. We are partnering with mentors from the accelerator, and through this, our team will be expected to perform at a high level and independently from direct oversight.

Our product (ProFit) is a premium smartwatch that seamlessly blends the roles of doctor and personal assistant. It offers unbeatable time management, fitness tracking, wellness checks, social connectivity, and timeless style in one sleek package. Our product is a continuously upgrading equipment which updates according to customers needs and reviews. Our smartwatch stands out by seamlessly integrating health monitoring, voice-enabled personal assistance, emergency connectivity, and location-based social interactions. It caters to the needs of health-conscious, time-sensitive individuals. Additionally, Soluwear’s unwavering commitment to data protection and customer care reinforces its position as a trustworthy and innovative brand in the wearable technology industry. Lastly, our commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation makes us attractive to eco-conscious individuals. In this round, we invested more in professional training and coaching for our team as that was the aspect where we were lagging under team structure. We are going with the lean approach and are open to ideas from every member of the team. In terms of profits, we decided to go for a premium-based model. We also focused more on aligning our product to our target market considering his persona and values. We’ve come to understand that our customers value community approval, seek to excel beyond others, and desire to make a positive impact on their surroundings. Consequently, we believe that they require top-notch products or services that set them apart from the rest. In comparison to our previous efforts, we’ve increased our investment in gaining deeper insights through interviews with lead users, customer visits, mentorship, and expert consultations. Our strengths lie in our ability to connect with lead users and offer valuable mentoring, which can be immensely beneficial to our target customer segment. Our revenue model is inclining towards a premium profit model as we are looking to target individuals who value high social status. We have made a good investment in our team values since we reached 100% in experience, skills and attitude. We have decided to invest more in training and education as well as coaching in order to increase the level of knowledge of our team members.

Our product is a highly researched wearable device developed with a modern and sleek device. Compared to other teams, we are focusing more on design and cost leadership. We believe our investments will be repaid in the next rounds, due to the superiority that we achieved in those fields. We are now striving to optimize our product market fit, by taking more calculated risks, such as minimizing the parameters of the value proposition to the essential needs of the customer. In the first round we invested a lot on research. The second round was more about experimentation. This time we are focusing on reaching 100% product market fit. In order to do so, we increased the market research by doing more customer observation and interviews, coupled with a strong investment in functionality (strongly valued by the customer) and usability testing. We changed perspective in that we are now focusing more on the essential aspects of the customer needs and less on diversifing our value proposition risk. In the previous rounds we preferred to invest more resources on research and development, and we were able to achieve high scores in design and features. We know now that the customer values a lot functionality, ease of use, and enablement of new experiences Our revenue model is based on creating customer value by satisfing their existing needs (functionality and ease of use) and creating new ones (such as design). We are focused on marketing and premium experience to build our brand image. Finally, we developed an e-commerce for our main product, the tracking bracelet, and we are concentrating on ads to push our gene analysis initial service. Our team is now ready for growth. We invested a lot on our internal structure. In particular, we are concentrating on lean management and developing our mission & vision. Our mission is to enable the customers to achieve excellency in their health, by allowing them to measure it accurately, day by day.

PulseLink is a revolutionary wearable networking device that seamlessly integrates into your personalized lifestyle for effortless connectivity and stylish communication. We blend cutting-edge technology, an intuitive interface, and discreet design specifications prioritizing efficient networking and privacy. Beyond networking, we offer personalized health insights through genetic testing, host offline networking events, and collaborate with social media and the food industry to enrich the overall well-being of our users. PulseLink is more than a networking tool; it’s a lifestyle essential for modern individuals seeking both connectivity and elegance. For round 3, The strategy will emphasize ensuring all key areas of the business model canvas are aligned, with PulseLink and our customers. More focus on the team values and partners, will help ensure our objectives and initiatives are feasible and obtainable, while gaining a competitive advantage on the wearable gene tracking market. The perspective of our customer’s and their needs changed a bit from the first round to the second, because we emphasized on community and exclusivity more than simplicity and functionality. For round 3, we have created a hybrid value proposition targeting our customer’s, by investing more in experts in the field, in order to ensure an in-depth understanding of our customer needs and their preference for wearable gene devices, which will give PulseLink a competitive advantage in the operating market. We generate revenue by the sale of our wearable devices, which aligns with our value proposition of convenient and fashionable networking solutions, by revenue-sharing agreements with social media platforms, which aligns with our value proposition of enhancing the customer experience and adding diversity to social media branding, and by licensing fees from food industry to introduce healthy diet certifications, which aligns with our value proposition of helping customers make informed choices about their nutrition. Our customer segment will include health-conscious individuals who are interested in personalized health insights, those interested in networking and health education, user base and the social media platform’s user base, and the food companies interested in your certification. Our revenue model is a dynamic blend of premium subscriptions and advertising support. We provide users with the option to subscribe to a premium tier, granting them access to advanced features and functionalities for a recurring subscription fee. Simultaneously, we generate revenue by displaying carefully curated advertisements within our platform for users who access our free version. This dual-pronged approach not only caters to the diverse needs of our user base but also ensures a sustainable and diversified income stream for our startup. we are committed to the holistic development of our team members, encompassing physical, mental, and professional growth. We offer a range of workshops on various topics for our team, in order to increase their skills, which will ensure greater product optimization aligned with the customer needs: • Sustainable Entrepreneurship • Sustainability and Business Strategy • Innovative Economy: Creativity, Problem-solving, and Decision-making • Research Methodologies • Practical Project Management • From article to art: Creating visual abstracts • Industrial Policy-making • Strategic Planning Principles and Techniques • National Growth and its Influencing Factors • Complex Products and Their Role in Advanced Economies • Money-Making Mindset for Entrepreneurs • Peter Drucker’s Words for Effective Management and Entrepreneurship • Time Management Series for Increased Productivity • Overcoming Negative Emotions Pulse Link is ready for growth opportunies as the solution we aim to provide our customers will allow them to build new connections in an innovative way and we want to expand our reach, one of the main features to be implemented will be constant training and education por our team members aswell as incentives within the salaries to strenghten the commitment between them and the company. Also, we aim to motivate them to become better professionals that are able to use critical thinking while being emphatic and encouraging to take leadership to generate value to PulseLink and our customers. By improving this skills PulseLink plans to also find alliances and Corporate Venture Capitals to focus on a lean management that will allow us to provide more creative and disruptive solution for networking.


Key Resources, Activities & Partners

Throughout the game, you’ll have the chance to increase your expertise on your key resources, activities and partners. The better your performance, the more likely you’ll be to achieve finance in the last round.

Locked in this round

Customer Relationships & Channels

Below you’ll find an overview of your sales funnel and capital injections – a direct results of your investments in marketing & sales.

Locked in this round

Overall Ranking

Below, you’ll find some extra awards that are handed out throughout the game and your overall EntrePulse.




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