Business Model Game

University of Luxembourg 2024

Value Proposition

Below you’ll find an overview of your current value proposition, seen from the eyes of the customer. Also, you will find an Expert Review of your proposition based on 6 different specifications. These product specifications are a direct results of your VP-decisions. Also, you’ll find your current product-market fit.

Customer Segments

Below you’ll find information about your customer segment. The higher your research score, the more you’ll uncover about the customer segment.


Hint: Focus only on Loyalty Programs and Experience Enabling in your Value Proposition.

Hint: Focus only on Extended Guarantee and Experience Automation in your Value Proposition.

Hint: Focus only on Conservation and Environmental Sensitivity in your Value Proposition.

Hint: Focus only on Community and User Communities in your Value Proposition.

Hint: Focus only on Functionality and Try Before You Buy in your Value Proposition.


Team Strategies


1. What is your strategy for the last two rounds? Our strategy was focused on obtaining the perfect product market fit and building our Key resources, skills and partners. On the second goal we managed to obtain the 100% but in the product market fit we were lacking to meet the customers and market expectations. This round we are focusing again in the Value proposition, Channels and Relationships in order to build the perfect product for our persona. 2) Is your strategy internally consistent? In other words: are there team members who believe a different approach might also work? Our team brings diverse perspectives to our product, and during the strategy development process, different approaches were indeed considered. We see this diversity as a strength because it helps us thoroughly evaluate how to put the credits to different items. However, after careful discussion and alignment efforts, we reached a consensus on our current strategy. While there may still be individual opinions on alternative approaches, we keep them internally consistent. 3) Describe your marketing strategy. What is your prognosis for sales? Our marketing strategy is based on reaching the customer in a non-invasive and non-structured way, building relationships focused on developing customer loyalty. In order to do that, our preferred channels will be newsletters, blogging and sponsorships, which rely on the customer allowing the contact or even searching for it. And we will connect with our clients and leads via social media, CRM base, an effective customer service and an assertive targeting in our campaigns, to make sure we reach the right base and build a solid relationship with our consumers, who in turn will receive a trustworthy service. Our forecasting for sales is that we will have a strong organic adherence, due to the fact of not having direct competitors. On top of that, our user brings their communities into the service, which will also provide sales growth. We will also invest in advertising campaigns and have a data-driven approach to understand our consumers and target their behaviors. 4) What growth strategy would you like to use? How are you going to scale up? Our growth strategy is customer acquisition and we will scale up by using the following strategies: a) Personalized Marketing: Use customer data to offer personalized recommendations, discounts, or messages. This creates a more engaging experience and builds loyalty. b) Engagement and Communication: Regularly communicate with your customer base via newsletters, social media, or direct contact to keep them informed and engaged. c) Feedback and Improvement: Listen to customer feedback and continuously improve our products or services to meet their evolving needs. d) Customer Support: Provide exceptional customer service to resolve issues quickly and maintain a positive reputation. 5. What are your current unfair advantages compared to the other teams? Why do you believe they are unfair advantages? We have been working in all the internal aspects of our company and that is how we manage to obtain the best, skills, partners and key resources. Compared to the other teams, we already maximized these features so we are able to focus in other aspects of our project, such as our Value Proposition.

• What is your strategy for the last two rounds? We focused more on the value proposition and expanding the customer base of our product in the final two rounds. Since our customer is someone who values the simplicity and automated experiences, we decide to invest heavily in Automate experiences and simplicity. We also wanted to provide the customer the loss of money and time, so we also heavily invested on Extended Guarantee. Since we were going in a positive direction with customer segment, this time we decided to invest more budget towards the customer segment for better product reach and profit. • Is your strategy internally consistent? In other words: are there team members who believe a different approach might also work? Our strategy was inconsistent in the beginning , but our team managed to improve over the last few rounds because of which our results are improving and going consistent. The team were improving in terms of clarifying the doubts and expressing better ideas over the last rounds because of which we can see a positive impact on our results.So we can say that our team strategy is now consistent and we have a clear idea and plan about the game. Our team has the same opinion about our current strategy which is actually positive and good. We believe in our strategy and we hope we can make better results with it. • Describe your marketing strategy. What is your prognosis for sales? Our marketing strategy is mainly based on three major channels which are Blogging, Personal selling, and affiliate marketing. Since our product is a highly technology based, we think with personal blogging we can get better reach in a short span of time.Such an innovative product will be able to get a wider attention over the social medias in a faster and more efficient way. We also use salespeople to sell our product to get better market reach and wide spread attention . Affiliate marketing will be one of our main marketing strategies since we think our product is capable of getting high demand when it get introduced to the world. In the first year we are planning to sell 10.000 units for 99.99€ per unit so our revenue projections from the sales will be 999.900€. In the second year we are planning to expand our business to Asia and Australia. We are also planning to sell 20.000 units 109.99€ worldwide. So, our sales revenue will be 2.190.000€ for the second year. • What growth strategy would you like to use? How are you going to scale up? We would like to partner with various health centers and physiotherapy centers to expand our business. We will make contracts with big sports and fitness giants like Decathlon, Intersport, BasicFit, etc. By this we will get a better market attention and ultimately, we will grow our business over time. • What are your current unfair advantages compared to the other teams? Why do you believe they are unfair advantages? Our first unfair advantage is that even though we have some competitors like Sensoria, our product is much more advanced but very affordable, comfortable, and easy to use. So our product will have a price advantage in the market. The other unfair advantage that we have over our competitors is the technological advantage. The features which the competitor product provides is very limited compared to our product, so we will be able to dominate the market with better technology and features.

What is your strategy for the last two rounds? Our strategy prioritizes stability by minimizing changes and avoiding new category investments, a proven approach that has delivered strong results in previous rounds. Is your strategy internally consistent? In other words: are there team members who believe a different approach might also work? Yes, it is very consistent. No, all of our team members think the same. Describe your marketing strategy. What is your prognosis for sales? Our marketing strategy is centered around understanding our customer’s preferences. Since she enjoys reading, we use press releases and blogging in our approach. We anticipate that our product will be highly successful, leading to significant sales growth. What growth strategy would you like to use? How are you going to scale up? We would like to use the cost leadership and subscription strategy to try to maximise our profit. Together with our marketing channels, strategy and with our retained revenue, we will be able to scale up. What are your current unfair advantages compared to the other teams? Why do you believe they are unfair advantages? Our product is an actual physical wearable product and not an application, we were the first one to achieve the 100% product market fit at the first round and consistently keep it first. We believe that we have these advantages because he correctly responded to our persona.

What is your strategy for the last two rounds? • For the last two rounds, we tried to better fulfill the needs of the Persona (as we got more details). • We tried to focus more on the PM-fit (Value proposition) and higher the credits in that section. • We focused on a higher number of points in defined points instead of investing small credit amounts everywhere. Is your strategy internally consistent? In other words: are there team members who believe a different approach might also work? • Yes, our strategy is consistent in a way that we developed and adapted some small parts but in general the idea stayed the same and we putted more the focus on improving some fields. • In certain moments, we had to do more brainstorming work in order to find a common agreement but in general we had kind of the same ideas. Describe your marketing strategy. What is your prognosis for sales? • Our Marketing strategy we focus a lot on Social media outreach, paid advertising, viral campaigns, sponsorship as well as affiliates marketing. • Our prognosis for sales is based on a good expectation because we believed we created a good Value Proposition for the right Customer segment. • For our product we need the following: Knowingly that Luxembourg has 645.000 people, we should target 1% of them. So this would mean 6.450 people per year and 537,5 per month and 18 people per day. What growth strategy would you like to use? How are you going to scale up? • For the growth strategy we would like to improve our relationship with our key partners. • Furthermore, we want to focus on a performance and adaptability in order to effectively manage and utilize the information collected in the decision making process for our users within our organization. • By getting feedback from the users of the application we will be able to adapt it on their needs and therefore scale up the product. What are your current unfair advantages compared to the other teams? Why do you believe they are unfair advantages? • In our case we have a lot of Implementors in our group (3 of 4 people) which other groups do not have. We have the practical, reliable and efficient skills. We are able to turn ideas into actions and organize tasks. This skill helped us to have a structured step to step procedure. • Moreover, having a Monitor Elevator in our group gave us a lot of strategic and analytical skills which helped us in the development of the activity.

For the last two rounds our strategy is to invest more in the skills of our team as well as continuing to invest in relationships, activities and partners. We have also decided to take more risks and invest more in a few things instead of spreading out our resources among different values. We now better understand our value proposition and know exactly we have to do to increase our customer satisfaction. Our strategy is internally consistent among the team members. We all agreed that this is the best approach after analyzing our results and seeing how we have performing during this whole simulation. The marketing strategy we decided to follow is to focus on press release and blogging because after analyzing our customer segment persona we realized that they do not want to be pressured to make decisions and don’t like to be guided by someone. In this way, an organic marketing approach that is not pressured is the best way to go to attract our target market and properly market our services. Our prognosis for sales will exponentially increase once we invest in the proper marketing strategy because our product is one that this customer segment is very interested in, they just need to discover this product. The growth strategy we are planning to use is by investing in PR and customer service, so our customers are happy, and we are able to expand and create new products in the future. If we keep our current customers happy, they will continue buying our products in the future and recommend it to other people. We will scale up by investing our team of employees and being more innovative. Our current unfair advantages compared to the other teams is that our customer relationships are doing very well. That shows our direct results from our marketing & sales. We have good team skills and are able to create a good product that does very well in performance. There are a number of things that make our team unique and help us excel in this project.


Key Resources, Activities & Partners

Throughout the game, you’ll have the chance to increase your expertise on your key resources, activities and partners. The better your performance, the more likely you’ll be to achieve finance in the last round.

Locked in this round

Customer Relationships & Channels

Below you’ll find an overview of your sales funnel and capital injections – a direct results of your investments in marketing & sales.

Locked in this round

Overall Ranking

Below, you’ll find some extra awards that are handed out throughout the game and your overall EntrePulse.


