Business Model Game

The Business Model Game is an excellent blended learning tool used in more than 20 countries within the business and education sector. It’s a perfect introduction to build a business model for a startup venture and experience what is is like to think like an entrepreneur.

Key theories: Business Model Canvas, Value Propositions, Lean Startup approaches, Innovative Thinking Methods, Ten Types of Innovation, Creative Research Methods, Creative Leadership and many more…

How to play?

Higher Education

Running the simulation daily or weekly as an add-on to a university course, online or blended.

As a standalone introduction course, i.e. for MBA students, online or blended.

Executive Education

As a fully customized simulation, aligned to your internal business processes.

As a fun battle with your direct colleagues to attain everlasting fame


As a 2/3-day live masterclass for professional development, fully facilitated by our experts.

As a live standalone (half-)day event, both engaging and knowledgeable..


Higher Education
minimum number of players: 20
  • Integrates with existing courses
  • 6 rounds & learning material
  • Online platform / blended learning
  • Assignments and certification
  • Optional webinars/lectures
Executive Education
minimum number of players: 5
  • Full training with 5-6 sessions
  • Inc. pre-package & live webinars
  • Inc. videos, literature & assignments
  • Individual feedback and reports
  • On location, blended or online
minimum number of players: 5
  • Customized program
  • Online, blended or on location
  • Half-day or full-day workshops
  • Live facilitated by our experts
  • Inc. pre-package material

What our clients say:

Denise Fletcher PhD, full professor of entrepreneurship and innovation, University of Luxemburg

The Business Model Game is an excellent learning tool for the Masters students.  Working in teams in an uncertain environment, the game gives students the chance to think and act like entrepreneurs, making decisions, allocating budget and building their team to bring an idea to market.  The game provides invaluable learning by enabling a totally immersive experience and the students absolutely love it!   It is a great complement to the course material and it really helps the students to test and stretch their skills and competencies and to prepare them for entrepreneurial projects.

Some of our clients:

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About the creator:

Jan Spruijt is the creator of the Business Model Game and founder of Innovative Dutch. Jan is an industrial engineer and senior lecturer in innovation management at Avans University.
Jan is a frequent speaker on events, a TED-alumnus, passionate blogger and a guest lecturer at many top universities.

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