Innovation Management Game

The Innovation Management Game is a strategic learning tool used in more than 20 countries in the business and education sector. It is great introduction to managing the innovation processes of a company creating and developing new technology. Will you be able to grow your business to the become an innovation leader in the market?

Key theories: Idea Generation, Creativity Management, Innovation Portfolio Management, New Product Development, Marketing, Branding, Co-Creation, Open Innovation, Business Model Innovation, Innovation Management, Innovation Cultures and many more.

How to play?

Higher Education

Running the simulation daily or (bi)weekly as an add-on to a university course, online or blended.

Especially developed for Bachelor/Master business students and MBA students.

Executive Education

Our programs fit neatly into corporate universities in terms of planning and didactics.

Our facilitators have a background as senior university lecturers.


Participants learn non-routine innovation skills and theory and will collaboratively apply this to practical situations and challenges.

Live webinars, self-paced assignments and personal performance reports.


minimum number of players: 20
  • Serious Games integrated with courses
  • 4-7 rounds & learning material
  • Online platform / blended learning
  • Assignments and certification
  • Optional webinars/lectures
  • No customization or consulting
minimum number of players: 5
  • Full executive training
  • Includes 5-6 sessions
  • Customization and topical training
  • Pre-package & live webinars
  • Videos, literature & assignments
  • Individual feedback and reports
  • On location, blended, or online
annual license
  • Annual license for unlimited game access
  • Scheduling required for sessions
  • Fee for additional sessions & training
  • Includes train-the-trainer session
  • Mainly targeted at universities

What our clients say:

Yvonne Kirkels PhD, professor at Fontys University of Applied Sciences

At Fontys University of Applied Sciences / Business Management SMEs in The Netherlands, we played the Innovation Management Game with fourth year students. We wanted them to get a quick impression of all the wide-ranging concepts related to innovation. We therefore chose to play the game in two weeks at the beginning of the course. The result, students acquired knowledge of innovation theory much sooner and profounder than if we would have relied on lectures alone.

Some of our clients:

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About the creator:

Jan Spruijt is the creator of the Innovation Management Game and founder of Innovative Dutch. Jan is an industrial engineer and senior lecturer in innovation management at Avans University.
Jan is a frequent speaker on events, a TED-alumnus, passionate blogger and a guest lecturer at many top universities.

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Innographics: Chapter 1




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